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Photo of the Day

Photo of the Day
Anything is Possible if you Dare to Dream

February 13, 2009

Valentines is just another day in Holland for a special needs mom. . .

Sometimes I think the "real" world could do with a few less holidays.

When you're a special needs parent, its hard enough to remember and schedule your children's daily routines and medications, keep their doctor's appointments and get there on time, worry about day care while your other children are in surgery etc. . .

Not to mention trying to work full time and get all you Continuing Education Credits.

How the heck are we supposed to remember things like Valentines cards for our kid's classmates?

I'm not even sure they celebrate Valentine's Day in Holland!

My son has been in public school for one month, he's missed at least a week of that time for doctor's appointments and sick days and he has surgery scheduled during next week's winter break.

He went to school early this morning before his ADHD meds. kicked in, because Mom and Dad have to attend an all-day CLE seminar today to get credit before the March deadline.

And, while I sit here trying to catch up on the news and all my e-mail, I suddenly remember that today is Valentine's Day at school.

It's also Friday the 13th.

So with my luck, instead of remembering the pneumonia he had last week or next week's surgery, my son will remember this day for the rest of his life!

He will never let me forget the day I sent him to school w/o his Valentines!


February 9, 2009

Some people just need to Get a Clue. . .

As the mother of two special needs children the past several days have been typically over stressful. It started last week on the way to my son's pre-op.
  • My daughter's ortho called to remind me that we missed her appt. and to tell me that I owe a $35 missed appt. fee. I say, I think not, my son is having surgery on Friday, give me a break.
  • At pre-op, we learn that my son has pneumonia and his surgery has to be postponed.
  • We go to urgent care for a chest x-ray and they tell us he has to stay home for 5 days.
  • I fax the doctor's excuse to the school and get a call the next night telling me that my son missed school that day. YAH THINK!
  • My son finally goes back to school today and comes home with a note from the P.E. teacher saying he's in trouble for not wearing tennis shoes at P.E. again (HELLO he has pneumonia.)
  • And, to top it all off, my son is now reacting to his antibiotic.

I was going to throw the P.E. teacher's note in the trash and pretend I never saw it, but, in my current mood, I'm seriously thinking about responding:

GET A CLUE!!! My asthmatic, ASD/ADHD son has PNEUMONIA! The last thing he needs is P.E. right now.

If the teacher is lucky, I will calm down by tomorrow. If not, C'est la vie!
