Every year Grandma spends months collecting little stuff as she calls it. . .pads of paper, pens, key rings, cosmetic bags (the gift with purchase type) and other cool freebies from doctors, lawyers and insurance agents.
Each December, she lovingly boxes these items, wraps them up, packs them neatly in a box or two and ships them off to us for Christmas.
And each year, on Christmas, when we open our little stuff, our house is like a scene from "A Christmas Story."
This year, I am sad to say that the Grinch came to our house, on a weekday, in broad daylight, and stole our boxes of little stuff right after FedEx dropped them off at our door.
Unfortunately for us, my front door digi-cam caught only a streak of green sneaking back down our street. You're a mean one, Mr. Grinch, for stealing grandma's little stuff.
Unfortunately for the Grinch, one of those boxes contained something way better than Orphan Annie's secret decoder pin.
What, you ask, could possibly be better than Ralphie's long-awaited secret decoder pin?
How about the AFLAC Duck!!!
. . .who is no doubt Aflaacckking his way out of the grinch's sack as we speak.
Aflack, Afflaacckk. . .AAAFFFLLLAACCKK!!!!
Take that you mean and nasty grinch.
Happy Holidays,
Each December, she lovingly boxes these items, wraps them up, packs them neatly in a box or two and ships them off to us for Christmas.
And each year, on Christmas, when we open our little stuff, our house is like a scene from "A Christmas Story."
This year, I am sad to say that the Grinch came to our house, on a weekday, in broad daylight, and stole our boxes of little stuff right after FedEx dropped them off at our door.
Unfortunately for us, my front door digi-cam caught only a streak of green sneaking back down our street. You're a mean one, Mr. Grinch, for stealing grandma's little stuff.
Unfortunately for the Grinch, one of those boxes contained something way better than Orphan Annie's secret decoder pin.
What, you ask, could possibly be better than Ralphie's long-awaited secret decoder pin?
How about the AFLAC Duck!!!
. . .who is no doubt Aflaacckking his way out of the grinch's sack as we speak.
Aflack, Afflaacckk. . .AAAFFFLLLAACCKK!!!!
Take that you mean and nasty grinch.
Happy Holidays,