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November 26, 2011

Jobs by Horoscope. . .

Better than waiting in long lines to apply I suppose. . .

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Scorpios and Virgos Need Not Apply

gty astrological clock ll 111125 wblog Scorpios and Virgos Need Not Apply

Experience and skills are secondary when it comes to hiring by one Chinese firm. What matters most is your celestial sign.

“We don’t want Scorpios or Virgos, and Capricorns, Pisces and Libras will be prioritized,” reads ad posted at a university in the city of Wuhuan, the U.K.’s Telegraph reported.

According to the Telegraph, the company,  which does English-language training, believes that Scorpios are moody and have overpowering personalities, while Virgos are overly critical and constantly changing jobs.


November 25, 2011

How to save you credit score on Black Friday. . .

Two Words: DON'T SHOP!

It's not rocket science. It's just good sense.

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7 Ways to Save Your Credit Score on Black Friday

Overspending on gifts around the holidays isn’t something uncommon. In fact, with high lines of credit available to consumers, credit card companies are doing everything they can to ensure that we overspend.

In a society that oftentimes requires individuals to borrow, one’s credit score is increasingly an important number. Companies use algorithms to calculate how much credit an individual can obtain. With recent dips in the economy and foreclosures on the rise, many people are wondering if there are a few easy ways to improve their credit scores? Here are my seven top tips:

1. Pay bills on time
2. Don’t go crazy over the holidays
3. Keep yourself under 50% of available credit
4. Credit card deals aren’t really "deals"
5. Get help if you are having trouble
6. Get on a budget
7. Get a copy of your credit report

November 20, 2011

Camping Out for Black Friday

Case in point: Some of us have to work the two weeks before the Big Event and no doubt will easily earn more money than we could save on anything by camping out in front of a store for two weeks before Black Friday. Just saying.

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Black Friday Hours Create Employee Revolt

PHOTO: Getting Ready For Black Friday

Case in point: Tito Hernandez, who has been camping in a tent outside of a St. Petersburg, Fla., Best Buy store since last Monday. You read that right, last Monday, nearly two weeks before the big day.

"Definitely having fun here," Hernandez said with a smile. "Looking to save some money and get some good deals."

And are those bargains really worth all the crowds and chaos? Turns out, you may actually be better off waiting. According to Consumer Reports, last year more than a quarter of the most popular electronics were marked down in the two weeks after Black Friday.