Are you wondering what these pictures have in common?
3 words . . .
The Tazmanian Devil
and in honor of World Autism Awareness Day this week as well as Autism Awareness Month, I'm adding another chapter to my on again/off again Taz Tales. . .
Taz started my week by getting bitten by a dog who he was warned not to pet. The next day he sliced his finger at Art Camp while collecting old cans at the park to make a robot. Today, two days later he successfully went turtle fishing in our lake, captured a a fat snapping turtle and I'll just let you guess the outcome of that encounter.
And this evening, of course, he insisted on immediately spending his $10 in birthday money from Grandma. . .problem is he wanted a 1-man raft (blow-up style, no oars and no pump), which he can't take on our lake and would probably have gotten a hole in it on the first trip out even if he could have.
It took me 10 minutes in the store to convince him that he had to buy something else. . .there was no way I was putting up with the inevitable 5-alarm meltdown that would have occurred as soon as he got the thing home and finally digested the fact that he couldn't pump the thing up, much less take it out on the lake.
So he settled for a set of giant Boxing Gloves. . .hmmmm will have to see if that was a good idea.
Taz may be autistic, but he's incredibly artistic and he's ALL BOY. . .how many boys go through life without being bitten by a dog and a turtle or slicing their finger on an old can.
And I'm sure there will be a post script to this edition of the chronicles because the week is after all only half over.
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