Or more accurately Taz and Jessie, my two wonderful special needs children. Jessie is 13.5 years old, autistic and a fab soccer player. We call her Jessie James a/k/a the Jessinator, because she'll rob you blind on the soccer field.
Taz is 7 years old, severely ADHD, ASD, SID, Asthmatic, GFCF, you name it. We call him the Tazmanian Devil, because he's like a mini tornado that spins, stops and grins, and spins some more, wreaking destruction everywhere he goes.
Gotta love em.
Taz has been visiting his cousin in Charleston for most of the summer and won't come home until tomorrow. Meanwhile, dh, Jessie and I have been enjoying our staycation. We have spent our summer touring the local sites in and around HotLanta. There's a lot to do in this town and in Northern Georgia.
It goes without saying that when Taz goes with us, he rules the roost. No matter how hard we try, we spend most of our time chasing the little devil around.
With Jessie we can take our time. View the sites, have a leisurely lunch/dinner and relax.
I have certainly enjoyed our quiet summer, but I can't wait to get my Taz back tomorrow. Jessie's not so sure she wants to give up being an only child again, but I know that deep down she misses him. We all do.
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