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February 15, 2011

Whole grain fiber linked to longer life

This is a no brainer. . .start your kid's on whole wheat breads and grains and they will learn to love them. Never had Wonder Bread in our house growing up.

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Whole grain fiber linked to longer life

A study suggests that consuming whole grains may extend your life.

( -- Eating a diet rich in fiber - especially the kind of fiber found in whole grains - reduces the risk of dying at an early age from a range of causes, a new government study suggests.

Fiber's beneficial effects on heart health have been known for decades, so it wasn't surprising that eating a lot of fiber was associated with a lower risk of death due to heart attack and heart disease. But fiber intake also appears to lower the risk of dying from respiratory diseases (such as pneumonia and chronic bronchitis) and infectious diseases, the study found.


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